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Chinese mythological construction of heaven is vastly different to other religions' ideas of heaven. It is synonymous with all of nature, including the sky. It is also viewed as a god in itself, with it's own personality that watches over mankind and is affected by our actions.

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In Chinese mythology, heaven was often seen as a physical place located at the heights of the sky, ruled by a supreme deity such as the Jade Emperor. This concept differed from other ideas of heaven as a purely spiritual or ethereal realm detached from the physical world. Additionally, Chinese mythology often emphasized ancestral worship and the belief that virtuous individuals could attain immortality and join the ranks of the gods in heaven.

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What did the Chinese believe a ruler kept the mandate of heaven?

The Chinese believed that a ruler kept the mandate of heaven by governing justly and responsibly, maintaining peace and order in society, and caring for the well-being of the people. If a ruler failed in these duties, it was believed that they would lose the mandate and be overthrown.

What Chinese view that royal authority came from the gods is called?

The Chinese view that royal authority came from the gods is known as the "Mandate of Heaven." This concept suggests that the ruler's right to govern is granted by divine approval, and can be revoked if the ruler fails to govern justly and effectively.

What does the sixth happiness mean in Chinese lore?

The "sixth happiness" in Chinese lore refers to having children. In traditional Chinese culture, children were seen as the ultimate source of joy and happiness for many families. This idea is based on the belief that having offspring is a blessing and brings fulfillment to one's life.

What evidence is found to support the conclusion that classical Chinese political philosophy perceived the state as an extended family in the mandate of heaven?

Classical Chinese political philosophy emphasizes the idea that the state mirrors the structure of a family, with the ruler as the patriarch responsible for the well-being of all. This concept is supported by the belief in the Mandate of Heaven, where rulers were granted their power by divine approval but could lose it if they failed to govern justly, much like a father's authority over his family is contingent on his virtuous leadership. Texts such as the "Book of Documents" and the "Analects" of Confucius reflect these ideas.

Is Rizal's soul in heaven?

As a historical figure and writer, Jose Rizal's spiritual beliefs are not definitively documented. Whether his soul is in heaven would depend on personal beliefs and interpretations of his life and actions.

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All the ancient Chinese dynasties' leaders, starting at the Zhou, had to claim a mandate from heaven.

Where will Confucius teach at?

he will teach at the chinese center for knowledge and understanding in heaven

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