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Eurymachus admits that the suitors were wrong but tries to blame all of the suitors' evils on Antinous, the worst of them. He also offers to have the suitors repay Odysseus for all of the food and damages, and also pay a fine of 20 oxen, while paying him silver and gold until he forgives them.

Eurymachus is not successful.

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Eurymachus tries to persuade Odysseus by shifting blame to Antinous and the other suitors, claiming they were the instigators of the wrongdoing. He also offers to compensate Odysseus for the damage done by the suitors and promises to repay all they have consumed in the household. Eurymachus appeals to Odysseus' sense of mercy and asks for forgiveness.

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Q: How does Eurymachus try to persuade Odysseus to spare the lives of suitors?
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How does Odysseus respond when eurymachus offers to repay Odysseus?

Odysseus rejects Eurymachus' offer and demands that the suitors repay him with their lives. He is determined to seek justice for the disrespect and harm they have caused him in his own home.

Why does Odysseus spare the lives of two of the suitors?

Odysseus spares the lives of two of the suitors, Phemios and Medon, because they were not as cruel and abusive as the others. Phemios was a bard who entertained the suitors, and Medon was a loyal servant who tried to help protect Telemachus. Odysseus showed mercy towards them for their lesser involvement in the suitors' misdeeds.

Why does Odysseus spare the lives of phemios and medon?

Odysseus spares the lives of Phemios and Medon because they were not involved in the suitors' wrongdoing. Phemios was a bard who was forced to entertain the suitors, and Medon was a herald who tried to protect Penelope and Telemachus during the chaos. Odysseus recognized that they were not his enemies and spared them from harm.

What do the suitors say to Odysseus to convince him not to kill them?

The suitors beg Odysseus for mercy, offering apologies and excuses for their behavior, while attempting to justify their actions by blaming the influence of the gods and their own desires for Penelope. They plead for their lives, promising to repay Odysseus and make amends for their wrongdoings.

How are the lives of cyclops different from the lives of Odysseus and his men?

Cyclops lead a solitary life in their caves, while Odysseus and his men travel in a group and face challenges together. Cyclops do not engage with society or other beings, unlike Odysseus and his men who interact with various characters and civilizations during their journey. Additionally, Cyclops do not experience the same camaraderie, companionship, and shared experiences that Odysseus and his men do.

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How does Odysseus respond when eurymachus offers to repay Odysseus?

Odysseus rejects Eurymachus' offer and demands that the suitors repay him with their lives. He is determined to seek justice for the disrespect and harm they have caused him in his own home.

What offer is made by eurymachus to stave off Odysseus' attack?

He offers him all of the food and wine that the suitors ate and drank in return for their lives.

What best describes Eurymachus?

a hero

Which suitors' lives are spared by Odysseus in the Odyssey?

None of the suitors' lives are spared; Odysseus and his party kill them all. Odysseus does spare Phemius the minstrel, and Medon the herald.

Why does Odysseus spare the lives of two of the suitors?

Odysseus spares the lives of two of the suitors, Phemios and Medon, because they were not as cruel and abusive as the others. Phemios was a bard who entertained the suitors, and Medon was a loyal servant who tried to help protect Telemachus. Odysseus showed mercy towards them for their lesser involvement in the suitors' misdeeds.

Why did the suitors want to kill Odysseus?

Odysseus was trying to kill them all. Only by killing Odysseus could they save their own lives.

What two men did Odysseus spare in the fight with the suitors?

Odysseus spares the lives of the minstrel Phemius and Medon the herald.

Why does Odysseus spare the lives of phemios and medon?

Odysseus spares the lives of Phemios and Medon because they were not involved in the suitors' wrongdoing. Phemios was a bard who was forced to entertain the suitors, and Medon was a herald who tried to protect Penelope and Telemachus during the chaos. Odysseus recognized that they were not his enemies and spared them from harm.

What do the suitors say to Odysseus to convince him not to kill them?

The suitors beg Odysseus for mercy, offering apologies and excuses for their behavior, while attempting to justify their actions by blaming the influence of the gods and their own desires for Penelope. They plead for their lives, promising to repay Odysseus and make amends for their wrongdoings.

What does Odysseus do after the other suitors beg for their lives?

Odysseus listens to their pleas briefly before he orders his son Telemachus and two loyal servants to execute them. They are all killed as punishment for their disrespect and betrayal.

What does Athena instruct Odysseus to do now that he is in Ithaca?

When Odysseus returns to Ithaca from his voyage at sea, he is disguised as a beggar and lives with Eumaeus, the swineherd. Odysseus then must win the contest of strining a bow and shooting an arrow through axe-heads that Penelope set up. After he has done this, he must battle his wife's suitors and reclaim his spot as king.

Does Odysseus die in the oddyssey?

Odysseus makes it home to Ithaca, and lives.