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Plato believed that the government or state had three layers to it. He believed the workers were at the bottom with the guardians or protectors of the state serving as the middle class. Philosophers and kings, according to Plato were at the top of the state hierarchy. Unlike Plato, Aristotle believed the states to be like a living organism. He believed that a society consisted of various parts and each had a function in establishing a political system.

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Plato favored a philosopher king ruling over a society structured under a rigid hierarchy, guided by reason and knowledge. Aristotle, on the other hand, advocated for a mixed government that blended elements of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, aiming to avoid the pitfalls of tyranny, oligarchy, and mob rule.

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Q: How did the government favored by Plato and Aristotle differ?
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How did Plato and Aristotle differ in their approach to science and learning?

Plato believed in seeking knowledge through reasoning and reflection, emphasizing the importance of abstract ideals and universal truths. Aristotle, on the other hand, favored empirical observation and practical experience as the basis for acquiring knowledge, focusing on the study of the natural world and logic.

What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to later development of the democratic traditions?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to the later development of the democratic tradition?

Plato's idea of philosopher-kings and Aristotle's theory of constitutional government provided a foundation for later democratic thought by emphasizing the importance of reason and moderation in governance. Plato's critique of democracy as susceptible to demagoguery and Aristotle's belief in the potential for citizens to participate in self-governance influenced the development of democratic principles such as the rule of law and the role of citizenship in decision-making.

Why were Plato and Aristotle suspicious of democracy?

Plato believed democracy led to mob rule and instability due to the ignorance of the masses. Aristotle feared that in a democracy, the majority might oppress the minority and that it could be easily manipulated by demagogues. They both favored the rule of a philosopher king or a virtuous elite as a more stable form of government.

How did Aristotle and Plato's idea of government differ?

Plato believed in a philosopher-king ruling through a merit-based caste system in an ideal society governed by reason, while Aristotle preferred a mixed government of monarchy, aristocracy, and democracy, emphasizing the importance of a balanced constitution. Plato's ideal government aimed for a utopian society based on abstract forms, while Aristotle focused on empirical observation of existing political systems.

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How did Aristotle idea of government differ from Plato's?

Plato looked for the ideal government. Aristotle wanted to "consider, not only what form of government is best, but also what is possible and what is easily attainable."

What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to the later development of the tradition?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

How did Aristotles government differ form Plato's?

Aristotle made nudity illegal, Plato thought nakedness was an attempt to stimulate 'the Good', his form of forms.

How did Aristotle and Plato differ in opinions on government?

Well said. I think Aristotle was much more an advocate of individual merits and contributions to the government by the individual, whereas Plato was more of a wisdom-of-crowds believer with a healthy dose of benevolent Dictatorship

How did Plato and Aristotle differ in their opinions on government?

Well said. I think Aristotle was much more an advocate of individual merits and contributions to the government by the individual, whereas Plato was more of a wisdom-of-crowds believer with a healthy dose of benevolent dictatorship

What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to the later developed of the democratic tradition?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to later development of the democratic tradition?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle's contributed to the later development of the democratic tradition?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

What idea put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to the later development of the democratic tradition?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.

How did Plato and Aristotle differ in their approach to science and learning?

Plato believed in seeking knowledge through reasoning and reflection, emphasizing the importance of abstract ideals and universal truths. Aristotle, on the other hand, favored empirical observation and practical experience as the basis for acquiring knowledge, focusing on the study of the natural world and logic.

Who thought that that government should be headed by philosopher kings?


What ideas put forward by Plato and Aristotle contributed to later development of the democratic traditions?

Aristotle preferred government by the many, not by the few.Like Plato,however,he was suspicious of democracy,which he thought could lead to mob rule.Instead,he was favored a constitutional government ruled by members of the middle class.