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The Renaissance, Reformation, and Scientific Revolution affected the Enlightenment by these different groups having mixed ideas and the refusal of the Catholic Church to release its dominance and positional authority over the people. The Enlightenment thinkers became persecuted, thrown in jail, and their writings were burned. Religious wars broke out between the Catholics and Protestants, which gave the impression to some individuals that organized religion was fallible, creating a window of opportunity to push the philosophies of science into European life. After the revolt against the churches lead to a more punitive approach, thousands of people (majority women) lost their lives over the fact of being caught in exploring science, which was acclaimed witchcraft amongst the churches. "The Enlightenment was more a frame of mind than a coherent movement". " Individuals who embraced it drew inspiration from different sources and promoted different agendas"."Its proponents were clearer about what they disliked than what changes were necessary". "Although many circumstances shaped "enlightenment" thinking, the new scientific methods and discoveries provided the clearest model for changing European Society". The Enlightenment was only an intellectual concept to achieve change in an aspect of critical thinking.

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βˆ™ 4mo ago

The Renaissance laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment by promoting ideas of individualism and Humanism, challenging traditional authority, and fueling a curiosity for knowledge. The Reformation contributed to the Enlightenment by challenging established religious beliefs and promoting religious tolerance and freedom of thought. The Scientific Revolution, with its emphasis on empirical evidence and reason, influenced Enlightenment thinkers to apply scientific methods to other fields of study and to question traditional beliefs and practices.

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Q: How did the Renaissance reformation and scientific revolution affect the enlightenment?
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What were some movements that influenced the enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution, Renaissance humanism, and the Protestant Reformation were influential movements that laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment. These movements challenged traditional beliefs and authority, encouraged critical thinking, and promoted empirical observation and rational inquiry.

What events were influential in the development of the Enlightenment?

Key events that influenced the development of the Enlightenment include the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Protestant Reformation. These movements challenged traditional authority, encouraged critical thinking, and emphasized the importance of reason, leading to the intellectual environment that paved the way for Enlightenment ideas.

Was the enlightenment the historical period during which the scientific Revolution began?

The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution were separate but related periods in history. The Scientific Revolution started in the 16th century with developments in astronomy, physics, and biology. The Enlightenment followed in the 18th century, emphasizing reason, science, and individual rights.

How did ideas from the renaissance and the reformation influence the enlightenment?

The Renaissance emphasized humanism, leading to a focus on individualism, reason, and skepticism towards tradition. The Reformation challenged religious authority and encouraged freedom of thought. These ideas laid the foundation for the Enlightenment by promoting critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the belief in progress through reason.

Which period of history had the greatest influence on the enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?

The period of Renaissance and Reformation had the greatest influence on Enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason. During this time, thinkers like Thomas Aquinas, NiccolΓ² Machiavelli, and John Locke laid the groundwork for concepts of natural law and reason that would later shape Enlightenment philosophy.

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Greek was used to spread the ideas of the Renaissance the reformation and the scientific revolution.

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What were some movements that influenced the enlightenment?

The Scientific Revolution, Renaissance humanism, and the Protestant Reformation were influential movements that laid the groundwork for the Enlightenment. These movements challenged traditional beliefs and authority, encouraged critical thinking, and promoted empirical observation and rational inquiry.

Was the Enlightenment before the Scientific Revolution?

The Scientific Revolution in Europe began toward the end of the Renaissance period and continued through the late 18th century, influencing and becoming part of the Enlightenment era.

What events were influential in the development of the Enlightenment?

Key events that influenced the development of the Enlightenment include the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Protestant Reformation. These movements challenged traditional authority, encouraged critical thinking, and emphasized the importance of reason, leading to the intellectual environment that paved the way for Enlightenment ideas.

How did the ideas of the Renaissance Reformation and Scientific Revolution affect the Enlightenment Was the Enlightenment only an intellectual concept?

You need to answer this question because we don't do homework and your teacher is looking for your critical thinking skills and how well you understood the lesson. I suggest you do a Venn diagram to sort out the information.

Was the enlightenment the historical period during which the scientific Revolution began?

The Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution were separate but related periods in history. The Scientific Revolution started in the 16th century with developments in astronomy, physics, and biology. The Enlightenment followed in the 18th century, emphasizing reason, science, and individual rights.

How did ideas from the renaissance and the reformation influence the enlightenment?

The Renaissance emphasized humanism, leading to a focus on individualism, reason, and skepticism towards tradition. The Reformation challenged religious authority and encouraged freedom of thought. These ideas laid the foundation for the Enlightenment by promoting critical thinking, scientific inquiry, and the belief in progress through reason.