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Ethics differs from other sciences in that it deals specifically with moral principles and values, guiding behavior and decision-making. While other sciences may touch on ethical implications, ethics focuses on establishing norms and standards for human conduct. Additionally, ethics often involves subjective judgment and interpretation, unlike the more objective observations common in other sciences.

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Continue Learning about Philosophy

Discuss the concept of philosophy as a second order discipline?

Philosophy is considered a second-order discipline because it reflects on and analyzes fundamental questions about knowledge, reality, ethics, and existence. It does not deal with specific empirical observations like first-order disciplines (such as science or history) but rather examines the principles and assumptions underlying those disciplines. In this way, philosophy serves as a foundation for other fields of inquiry by exploring their underlying concepts and methods.

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The third epigraph in Emerson's essay does not deal with independence or self-reliance. Instead, it addresses the idea of defeat or surrender.

What deal is napoleon contemplating what does it symbolize?

Napoleon is contemplating a deal with Frederick, the neighboring farmer, to sell him part of the farm's timber. This deal symbolizes Napoleon's willingness to prioritize his alliance with humans over the well-being of the animals, breaking the original principles of animalism and highlighting his shift towards human-like behavior and corruption of power.

What problems did vasco da gama overcome?

Vasco da Gama faced challenges such as navigating unknown waters, adverse weather conditions, and disease outbreaks during his voyages. He also had to deal with hostility from locals and competition from other European powers seeking to control trade routes to Asia.

What is the deal between the people and government Hobbes describes?

Hobbes describes a social contract where individuals give up some freedoms to a central authority in exchange for protection and security. This agreement forms the basis of a stable society where the government's role is to maintain order and prevent individuals from harming each other.

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Sociology is the study of how humans act towards one another. This is related to other sciences that deal with human behavior, such as psychology.

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they boyh deal with acceptancebehaviour

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Why are ethics important to the workplace?

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