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Q: Will century theaters accept a regal entertainment group ticket?
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Related questions

When was Big Ticket Entertainment created?

Big Ticket Entertainment was created in 1994.

What are the ticket prices for kids in the mann theaters?


How long will Percy Jackson and the Olympians movie be in theaters?

Theaters make schedules based on ticket sales. As long as people are going to see the movie, it will remain in theaters. When ticket sales drop off, the theater will show something else.

What if your six flags ticket broke do they still accept it?

A broken ticket can be repaired. Tape it together, carefully. They will accept it.

Where can you find movie ticket coupons?

There are many websites that offer coupons on movie theaters

Is changing movie ticket prices illegal?

Theaters can charge whatever the market will bear.

The cost of a movie ticket used to be 4. Today at many theaters the cost is 9. What is the percent increase?

The ticket price increased by 125%

How much breaking dawn will cost to see in theaters?

It will cost the normal amount for a movie ticket.

Why is there no Row I in theaters?

It may be because the letter 'I' is very easy to change on your ticket to be another letter.

How much does a The Hunger Games movie ticket cost at Marcus Theaters in Rothschild WI?


How much is a ticket to see imax?

It depends on the theater that you go to. Different theaters charge different prices.

Does ticket master accept prepaid credit cards?
