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give the difinition of the art of dancing is an essential element in creating a sound mine and body

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Q: Why is the art of dancing is an essential element in creating a sound mind and body?
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What is sound mean in MAPEH?

In MAPEH, sound refers to the vibrations that travel through the air and are detected by the ear. It is an essential element in music and dance as it creates rhythm, tone, and harmony. Understanding sound is crucial for appreciating and creating various forms of art in the field of MAPEH.

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The sound was like a symphony of flat leather pieces dancing in unison, creating a rhythmic percussion.

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Synchronized sound refers to audio that is matched precisely with the visual elements in a film or video, ensuring that the sound and images are in perfect alignment. This technique is essential for creating a realistic and immersive viewing experience for audiences.

How did tap dancing get its name?

Tap dancing got its name from the sound that dancers tap shoes make. They make a sort of tapping sound whenever the dancer moves his/her foot. That's why tap dancing is called what is it.

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The cast of The Sound of One Leg Dancing - 2011 includes: Mina Pun as Mina



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The energy change in an electric buzzer involves converting electrical energy to sound energy by causing a diaphragm or other vibrating element to produce sound waves, creating the buzzing sound. This process involves a transformation of energy from electrical to mechanical and acoustic forms.

What does the incus in your ear do?

scientist believe that is dances and the sound dancing into your brain with it

How did tap get its name?

Tap dancing got its name from the sound that dancers tap shoes make. They make a sort of tapping sound whenever the dancer moves his/her foot. That's why tap dancing is called what is it.

Which part of guitar vibrates to produce sound?

The strings.

What vibrates as you breath out creating sound?

Your vocal cords

What is the social background in sound of the music film?

I would say dancing and singing