Understanding Shakespeare's Theatre helps one to understand his plays and why they were written in the way they were. This in turn is enormously important as educated persons the world over understand at least the most well-known of Shakespeare's plays, and everyone knows and constantly quotes lines drawn from those plays.
It is not important.
Everyone who loved theater. There was theater for the poor and theater for the rich.
I don't know if they were allowed to eat and drink but i know there were allowed food cause they were allowed to throw food at the actors if they thought it was bad. So they were probably allowed to eat.
what was the culture of the people in shakespeare time
The groundlings were the people who bought standing room tickets.
Theatre is important because it makes all people unique and original. It also gives people self expression and a chance to speak out.
Everyone who loved theater. There was theater for the poor and theater for the rich.
important people to do with the globe's business
Culture is the way people live there life's and it is important to understand it because something people ask for your culture
aq budoy
People watching Shakespeare's plays would either be sitting or standing. If the people had extra money they could pay for the privilege of sitting during the play. The poorer people would have to stand in the theater pit to watch the play but there tickets were much cheaper.
I don't know if they were allowed to eat and drink but i know there were allowed food cause they were allowed to throw food at the actors if they thought it was bad. So they were probably allowed to eat.
the propoused position of the theater, The theater was made for that porpouse, make people understand what the actor was saying. (Thats what my World History Teacher told us)
Shakespeare did...
very important
It is because the majority of the people in the world understand and use it.
If people don't understand, odds are they won't do the right thing. If people don't do the right thing, bad stuff can happen.