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Q: Why did the bridge give her husband a monolog on monogamy?
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Why did the bride give her husband a monolog on monogamy?

Probably because she did not want him playing the field

Why did the bride give her husband a monologue no monogamy?

well monolouge is thge speech of one person, so she could have been talking to him....but monogamy means marriage to one person at a time. so hopefully she "gave" him that and is only married to him

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why did the bride give her husband a monologue on the monogamy

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According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, protecting the lives of his offspring was the paramount advantage of monogamy.

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yes why not. he is your husband & your partner.

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When Leo decided to leave the Elders he took a "fall from grace" off the Golden Gate Bridge, meaning he gave up his elder powers to be with his family.

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