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Miranda Cosgrove, she is also in School of Rock, Unfabulous and plays the main charactor in Icarly.

she is one of the nic idols now and recognise by all nic heads so u will find stuff out about her on nic websites

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

The person who plays "Megan" in "Drake and Josh" is Miranda Cosgrove

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โˆ™ 14y ago

She was 9

year old character.

but she was really 11

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โˆ™ 15y ago

Miranda Cosgrove from iCarly. Don't you know things?? (I mean, that's the most obvious question.) :P

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โˆ™ 13y ago


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Q: Who plays Megan on drake and josh?
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What is the Josh's original name in Drake and Josh?

In Real life drake is called drake bell and on tv he is called drake Parker. In Real like josh is called josh peck and on tv he is called josh nichols. In real life Audrey [the mum] is called Nancy Sullivan and on tv she is called Audrey Parker In real life Walter [the dad] is called Jonathan goldstein but on tv he is called Walter nichols In real life Megan [the sister] is called Miranda cosgrove but on tv he is called Megan Parker In real life Helen [the cinema manager] is called yvette Nicole brown but on tv she is called Helen dubios In real life crazy Steve [cinema worker] is called jerry trainor but on tv he is called crazy Steve In real life Eric and Craig [nerds] are called Scott halberstadt and alec medlock but on tv they are called Eric blonowitz and Craig ramirez In real life mindy [josh's girlfriend] is called alison scagliotti but on tv she is called mindy crenshaw

Which TV show is better Drake and Josh or iCarly?

Both shows are good, but in my opinion Drake and Josh is better. Nothing can replace Drake and Josh.

Who is smarter drake or josh?

In Season 1, Drake is smarter than Josh but lazy. Season 2 is when they realized that Drake was OP so they made him dumb and made Josh smarter. Season 3 is when they made Drake even dumber and Josh even smarter. By Season 4, it is established that Josh is way smarter than Drake.

Was chris farely in drake and josh?

No, he passed away in 1997 and Drake and Josh only started in 2002.

What is the name of the cinema in drake and josh?

The Premere

Related questions

Does Miranda who plays Megan in drake and josh have facebook?

no she does not have facebook.

In the drake and josh have Carly?

No, that's Maranda Cosgrove, the same girl that plays Carly on iCarly and Megan on Drake & Josh.

Megan's real brother in drake and josh?

don't know what you mean. Miranda cosgrove plays Megan (Drake's real brother & Josh's stepbrother). she isn't either of their real brothers

On Drake and Josh what are Megan Drake and Josh's real names?

Drake's real name is Drake Bell. Josh's real name is Josh Peck. Megan's real name is Miranda Cosgrove.

Is Miranda related to Drake and Josh From Drake and Josh?

yes. if you watch the words about who acts out in drake and josh at the start then you might see 'Miranda Cosgrove'

Name of Drake and Josh's sister on the show Drake and Josh?


Is drake and josh Carly brother?

Miranda Cosgrove played Megan on the show Drake and Josh. In the show, Drake and Josh are her brothers. In the show iCarly she plays the character Carly. Drake and Josh are not in that show. iCarly and Drake and Josh are separate tv shows. These characters are not related to each other.

How old is Megan now for the Drake and Josh show?

Miranda Cosgrove, who played Megan Parker on Drake and Josh, turned 20 in 2013.

What is the name of drake and joshs sister on the show drake and josh?

Her name is Megan and is played by Miranda Cosgrove.

What are the pranks that Megan Parker from drake and josh would do?

put hot sauce in the boys food and drink ..megan put dirt in josh brownies. megan put cream on josh hand. and glued josh but to the chair.megan gave josh icepop that explode.megan drop balloon of goo on josh head. megan glued drake and josh butts to the chair.megan sprayed drake and josh with a water gun.megan shoot a tomato.megan flips drake and josh.megan put something in the boys salsa.megan sprayed the boys with water and spank josh.megan monorfi the air condition.megan put a note please enjoy the last apple strodle and put a note property of josh do not eat.Megan put the stero on to wake drake up.megan shoot paint balls at drake and josh.Megan pulled josh pants down.megan made the class explode.Megan fire up smoke to make drake and josh fall asleep.Megan put something in the cake to explode.megan set drake up by making his hands green.megan trap drake and josh in a net.

What was the drake and josh episode when Megan goes to Denver?

Drake and Josh Go Hollywood. I am watching it right now :)

What does Megan Parker wear?

Megan Parker(from Drake and Josh) wears things that have differnt patterns and dont match. Watch episodes of drake and josh for more details.