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Q: Who is Romeos greatest ally in romeo and Juliet?
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Who is Romeos greatest ally?

Romeo's greatest ally is Friar Laurence. He supports Romeo and Juliet's secret relationship, helps them in their time of need, and comes up with a plan to reunite them when things go awry.

Who is Juliet's greatest ally?

Juliet's greatest ally is arguably her nurse. The nurse serves as a confidante, advisor, and supporter throughout the play, helping Juliet navigate her feelings for Romeo and offering guidance in her decisions. Despite some miscommunications and misunderstandings, the nurse ultimately has Juliet's best interests at heart.

How does the nurse offend Juliet in the act and cease to be her ally?

She basically tells Juliet to give up on Romeo and marry Paris.

How does the nurse offend Juliet in this act and cease to be her ally How does this development add to the tragedy of the events that follow?

She tells Juliet to forget Romeo and marry Paris, even though Juliet is already married to Romeo. Juliet doesn't listen an thanks to the Frair that helped her cause the whole tragedy of Tybalt, Mercutio, Juliet, and Romeo to die.

How does the nurse offend Juliet and cease her ally?

The nurse offends Juliet by advising her to forget about Romeo and marry Paris instead. This hurts Juliet because the nurse has been her confidante and ally up until this point. Juliet feels betrayed by the nurse's sudden change in loyalty and support.

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That would be Germany.

2. Why do you think Juliet trust Friar Explain using details from the text.?

In the time of the play the people of the Catholic Church were the advisors and confessors of many people. It would have been natural for her to go to him since she trusted him. I am afraid that you need to answer the rest of this question using the play to substantiate your statements.

Who was the US greatest ally during world war 2?

UK, Canada, Australia.

Could you compare Star Wars to Romeo and Juliet?

No. Romeo and Juliet is a doomed love story tragedy about two lovers who come from feuding families who are ill fated and who die because their parents hate each other. Star Wars is about a rebellion of the forces of the good (the Jedi) versus the evil Sith Lord Emperor Sideous. The Sith Lord has an evil ally Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker) who is the father of a Jedi Knight (Luke) and a Princess (Lelia). Star Wars is nothing like Romeo and Juliet. It is in the 6th episode of Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi, that we find out Luke and Lelia are brother and sister, and the love story is between Hans Solo, a mercenary, and Princess Lelia. There is also a love story between Anakin Skywalker and Padame, but, that is doomed, because Anakin turns to the "dark side" and Padame dies of a broken heart, after giving birth to Luke and Lelia. There is no real comparison between Star Wars and Romeo and Juliet.

Who is the greatest friend?

All Awesome Ally Ally Dolan, a person with a great sence of humor is a really good friend. She's pretty and kind She's awesome!