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Both of Juliet's parents want her to marry Paris.

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Q: Who does Juliets mother want Juliet to marry?
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Did juliets mum want romeo to be with Juliet?

Juliet's mother wanted Juliet to marry Paris, not Romeo. She did not approve of Romeo as a suitor for Juliet.

What does Juliets mother ask her and what is Juliet's response?

Mother: Need you my help? Juliet: No, Madam That's from Act 4 Scene 3; if you want a different exchange between them there are a number of them.

Who did Juliets parents want her to marry?

Juliet's Parents wanted her to marry Paris not Romeo. Her parents wanted her to marry Paris because Paris and his parents both aren't against Juliet's culture and Romeo was with the other culture. I believe it was there culture but not 100% sure.

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Paris asks Juliet's father for permission to marry Juliet. Romeo asked Juliet instead. (Actually she offered before he asked)

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Capulet wants his daughter, Juliet, to marry Paris, a nobleman and kinsman of the Prince.

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The Montagues (Romeo's family) and the Capulets (Juliets family)

What does juliets dad say she must do after her marriage with romeo?

Juliet's father did not know about Juliet's marriage to Romeo until after her death. He was insisting on her getting married to Paris, not knowing that she was already married. And Juliet didn't want to tell him why she didn't want to marry Paris, which made him even more insistent.

Who does Juliet's dad want her to marry?

Juliet's Dad, and her entire family in fact, want her to marry Paris.

What do juliet's parents want her to do?

They want her to marry Paris.

Who did Paris and romeo want to marry?

Romeo wanted to marry Juliet, while Paris wanted to marry Juliet as well in the play "Romeo and Juliet" by William Shakespeare.