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Q: Which Walt Disney movie is inspired by 'Oedipus Rex'?
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What inspired Disney to make Disney?

So many people loved Disney and the Walt Disney Company had enough money to make and pay for actress and actors and for their own channel.

What inspired Walt Disney's art as a child?

His Aunt Margaret.

What was the 'last' movie Walt Disney supervised?

Jungle book was the last movie that Walt Disney supervised.

Did anyone help Walt Disney in the movie business?

Walt Disney's brother Roy Disney were business partners and founded Walt Disney Productions, Ltd.

Why was Walt Disney inspired to invent Disneyland and world?

Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen, Denmark was Walt Disney's inspiration after he and his wife visited it in 1951.

Did Walt Disney make the new Tinker Belle movie?

No. The Disney Company, yes. Walt Disney himself, no. :)

What is the important thing about Walt Disney?

The amount of people he inspired to do animation

What was Walt Disney's first movie -?

can it be

What was the last princess movie Walt Disney made?

The last princess movie that Walt Disney worked on was Sleeping Beauty in 1959.

What was the last princess movie made by Walt Disney?

The last princess movie that Walt Disney worked on was Sleeping Beauty in 1959.

Did Walt Disney do Mind control?

No, Walt Disney did not do mind control. Walt Disney is famous for his cartoons, which became a multi-million dollar movie studio business.

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