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The pilot episode, which I have never seen, was shot in B&W and filmed in Hawaii. The majority (if not the rest) of the episodes were filmed in Hollywood, California.

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Brandy Sipes

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2y ago
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Rick Knorr

Lvl 2
1y ago

Season 2 & 3 opening scenes were not filmed in Marina del Rey. They were filmed at the Alamitos Bay Marina in Long Beach. The buildings on the right at the end of the channel are the old Navy Yacht Club and the Marina location of the LB Fire Department. As the camera pans to the right at the end o the first scene you can see a bridge that connects the mainland to Naples Island. There is no such bridge in Marina del Rey, and very few palm trees (which are still visible today, but taller!).

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14y ago

Gilligan's Island is the same island that "The Blue Lagoon" movie (Brooke Shields) was filmed on. I visited this island in 1996/97 when I was on a cruise to the Bahamas. It is located just off of the main island of Bahama. It is my understanding that, at that time, it was owned by Dolphin Cruiseline. Only Dolphin passengers were able to visit this island. I watched the occasional Gilligan's episode, but was not a die hard fan. I can't say that there were any particular landmarks that stuck out to me. A seasoned fan may have seen recognizable landmarks, though. Beautiful place.

it is off the cost honlolo {hawii}

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15y ago

They didn't use any island, it's all just a set. If you look really closely, you'll be able to see that the leaves and trees are all fake.

Even so, real or fake, they did an amazing job in creating the best TV show in history.

Gilligan's Island rocks my socks!!!

})i({ X)

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12y ago

Gilligan's Island wasn't actually filmed on an island. It was filmed on stages at CBS Studio Center in Los Angeles, California. The island seen in the opening credits is Coconut Island near Hawaii, but they never actually filmed there.

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9y ago

Depends on the season. In the first season you see an island, but no one is sure where it is. They had gone to Hawaii to film and did work in Molaa Bay. The opening for seasons 2-3 was done in Marina Del Ray, CA. Today in Hawaii there are tours offered for filming sites of Gilligan's Island and other shows.

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9y ago

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10y ago

The island shown in the opening credits of Gilligan's Island is just off the coast of the island of Oahu, Hawaii. It is located in Kaneohe Bay.

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16y ago

None. It was filmed in a studio.

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16y ago

Monuriki Island, Fiji

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