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Plays are performed in a theater or on a stage; not the surgery theater but the on stage theater sort of thing. Just about anywhere can be turned temporarily into a theatre. Who doesnt know this?

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Q: Where do actors perform plays?
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Related questions

Where did actors perform Sophocles plays?

At theatres.

Where did the actors perform sophocles's plays?

in my moms room

How are films and plays the same?

They arent the same. Films are videos were actors act their role. Plays are when actors perform a story live on a stage.

What was the name of the group of people who always perform in Shakespeares plays?

Actors. The performers in any play are called actors.

Where actors perform plays?

Plays are performed in a theater or on a stage; not the surgery theater but the on stage theater sort of thing. Just about anywhere can be turned temporarily into a theatre. Who doesnt know this?

How did medieval theatre fund the plays?

Theater in the medieval period be funded by people paying admission, or by nobles paying the actors to perform.

Which of these statements is falseStage actors perform in front of a live audience.Motion picture actors perform in front of a live audience.Motion picture actors perform in front of a camera.?

Motion picture actors perform in front of a live audience.

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Does the the globe still perform Shakespeare's plays?

Yes... along with other plays.

Who did the Greeks perform plays in honor of?


What did Shakespeare use for his plays?

To write them: ink, paper, penTo perform them: actors, props, theatresTo think them up: imagination, hard work, and other people's plots.

What are pageant wagons used for?

A pageant wagon was used as a place for actors who were not associated with the church to perform. It was basically a stage on wheels. The players (actors) would take their pageant wagons all over Europe and perform to the public. The plays were usually presented in a comedic manner and that is why lots of people would go and see the performances.