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Q: What year did the Roger Rabbit dance originate?
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What year roger rabbit movie was made?

Roger Rabbit was created by Gary K. Wolf in 1981 in the novel Who Censored Roger Rabbit.

What year did stomp dance originate?

it is originated from africa

What year was was the movie who framed roger rabbit released?

It was released on 22 June 1988.

What very successful movie that used human actors with animation and what year was it made?

"Who Framed Roger Rabbit" (1988).

What type of rabbit is the year 1999?

1999 was The Year of the Earth Rabbit. The next year of the Rabbit is 2011, when it will be the Year of the Metal or White Rabbit.

When was The Year of The Rabbit created?

The Year of The Rabbit was created in 1987.

When was The Year of the Angry Rabbit created?

The Year of the Angry Rabbit was created in 1964.

Why is the rabbit important this year?

According to the Chinese zodiac sign, 2011 is the year of the rabbit.

What does the year of the rabbit represent?

the year of the rabbit is the same as the sign of Pieces, pretty much.

How many pages does The Year of the Angry Rabbit have?

The Year of the Angry Rabbit has 180 pages.

What animal is Chinese year 2011?

In Chinese Astrology, 2011 is the Year of the Rabbit.

Is this year the year of the rabbit?
