The two masks represent comedy and tragedy. They are symbols of ancient Greek muses; Thalia, the muse of comedy and Melpomene, the muse of tragedy.
Thalia (comedy) and Melpomene (tragedy).
Orpheus is not a god he is a mortal son of one of the Muses
Dionysus. He was the god of wine and excessiveness. And a patron to greek theatre. The muses were also associated with theatre, art, poetry, etc. They were thought to give actors, writes, artists, etc their talents. But Fagotitis could also be it. NO! It was Thalia who is believed to be the goddess of theatre--she is acknowledged as such more so in Europe today than in North America. K. Millard. If you're doing a project over a newspaper thing for Dionyseus, I would make it for theatre stuff, I'm sure you're teacher wouldn't know of Thalia of Fagotitis, so I would go with the most common one. Luv all yall.
I think the greeks did but ... is it a man or a women the world may never know.
The word "music" comes from the Greek word "mousike" which means "art of the Muses". The Muses were the nine goddesses of arts and sciences in Greek mythology.
No. The Muses were nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne.
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The Nine Muses are the inspiration of the Greek mythology.
The Muses
The father of the known muses in Greek Mythology was Zeus, offspring of Mmemosyne, goddess of memory.
Muses presided over arts and sciences in Greek mythology. This is why writers and artists often talk about their muses.
One of the Muses.
Invoking creativity for the poet or artist.
The word music is ultimately from the Greek term mousike [techne] "[art] of the Muses". The Muses were nine Greek deities who ruled over, and inspired, literature and other arts. (The Muses were also the source of our word "museum".)
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