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Greek theater has given us many things, and admittedly boredom was one of them. Greek shows went on for hours without stopping but it influenced the world around us now. It influenced stand-up comedy, the art of standing up alone in front of an audience was first done by the Greeks. Theater in genral. Greeks gave us audiences and acting with others on stage.

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The Greek started theater to honor gods and some of Greeks plays are around today.

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Q: What were Greek contributions to modern theater?
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What are the differences of greek theater and modern theater?

Greek theatre did not have woman, modern theatre does have women.

What were Greek contributions to the theater?

They established drama and comedy performances.

What are 3 contributions of the Greeks to modern thought?

Rick Riordan is the best contributor of greek modern thought.

What is modern Greek theater like?

looking at the way technology spreads these days its probably like your standard cineplex or imax theater... hehehe

What is the Greek word for a theater?

Theatre is a Greek word: théatron ( or in modern spelling théatro).

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Some eras in theater include ancient Greek theater, Elizabethan theater (Shakespearean era), French neoclassical theater, Restoration theater, and modern theater. Each era is characterized by different styles, themes, and techniques that influenced the development of theater.

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The difference between modern day theatre and ancient Greek theater is that in ancient Greece only boys could act in the shows. The stages were tilted instead of the chairs for the audience and they used big two sided masks made of rock.

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