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in the webkinz beauty pageant u have to mix the clothing dont match find rare and/or exclusive clothing at the curio shop to impress the judges remember cheaper doesnt make it less fashionable

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Q: What should you wear to the webkinz beauty pageant to win?
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What should you wear to a webkinz beauty pagent to win first place?

Exclusive clothing or anything fantabulous! I won the beauty pageant once.......

Are you allowed to wear dresses at a WEBKINZ beauty pageant?

You're allowed to wear absolutely anything. :)

What do you have to wear to enter a beauty pageant?

The majority of beauty pageants require its contestants to wear a suit/business wear for the interview portion, a swimsuit and evening gown.

What are some tips for being in a beauty pageant?

Be beautiful, wear red, be confident.

What length should a pageant dress be?

a beauty pageant dress must be sized according to age if you are under 10 years old you should wear a cupcake(short) dress if you are older you should have a close to floor legth gown miss east coast pageant winner 7 years experience But, it also depends for what pageant..

What to wear at a baby beauty pageant?

i think that you should look a little fancy but not to over done. i think that you should look a little fancy but not to over done.

Should Girls Wear Makeup That Are Under 13 Years Old?

It is fine if the parents agree, it is light (VERY LIGHT), and potentially if you are in a beauty pageant.

What is good pageant music?

good pageant music depends on what category the contestants are competing in. If it is something like swimsuit, casual wear etc. usually the music should upbeat and fun. if it is formal wear or beauty, the music should be slow and elegant. Perhaps classical, or something performed on the piano.

What should a 10 year old wear in a pageant?

in a glitz pageant at ten you should wear the cupcake dress for natural a party dress should be good

What is the importance of beauty pageant's indigenous wear?

For a World or International pageant, wearing clothing indigenous to their homeland would show the contestant's loyalty and pride in their country.

What should a teen wear for a pageant outfit of choice?

i prefer them with none

What are the portions in a beauty pageant?

Depends on what kind of pageant it is. Some common portions in a beauty pageant for adults are swimwear/fitness, talent, evening wear, and onstage question. While child beauty pageants may have swimwear, talent, outfit of choice/theme, and beauty. There is one portion of a pageant that is not executed on stage... the private interview. Before pageant day, the judges may take each contestant aside and interview them about different things. This is different from the onstage question because in the interview the judges can ask the contestants more than one question and its a great way to get to know a little more about the contestants personality. These are typically only held for adult pageants such as Miss U.S.A. and Miss America.