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The Macarena might be fun.

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Q: What kind of dance do you dance at a quinceanera?
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Who do you dance with on your quinceanera if you have two fathers?

It is tradition for someone to dance with their father at their Quinceanera. However, if a person has two fathers, you can dance with your father and step-father if you choose.

Does the quinceanera have a surprise dance?


Who does the quinceanera dance with first?

I think its father

Who is thanked in a special dance at a quinceanera?


What do you do for your quinceanera?

A quinceanera is basically a big party so you would just be with friends and family, dance and eat

Who or what is a Quinceanera Chambelan?

It is her escort. The young man she will dance with.

What does chambelans mean?

Well the Chambelans I know of is the kind that are in a Quinceanera, When A 15 Year old turns 15 she has a quinceanera and she chooses guys to be her Chambelans what they do is dance with the quinceanera (15 year old girl) and they sit with her at the main table and yeah and if she has Damas then one of her damas is your partner and their is "blah" amount of couples and you dance is all you do basically and wear a tux because you guys have to stand out and look nice

What do you do at a quinceanera?

dance. shoe ceremony. drink. eat. cry.

What kind of foods can you have in a quinceanera?


What are good songs for a family dance -aunt-uncles-cousins- at a quinceanera?

Just Dance by Lady Gaga is a good song for a family dance.

What happens at a quinceanera reception?

At a quinceanera reception, there is typically a formal entrance of the quinceañera accompanied by her court of honor, followed by a mass or religious ceremony, a traditional waltz dance with family and friends, a meal, toasts, and dancing. It is a celebration to mark a girl's transition from childhood to young womanhood.

