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They are friends and attend the same synagogue. Tubal is in the same line of business as Shylock. As a friend he traces Jessica and commiserates with Shylock on what he discovers.

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Q: What is the relationship between Shylock and Tubal?
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Who is tubal in shakeshpeare's merchant of Venice act 1 scene 3?

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He absolutely is. The only non-Christians in the play are Shylock, his friend Tubal, and Jessica, before she becomes an apostate.

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Shylock did not hate Jews. Shylock was a Jew.

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The conflict is between Antonio and Shylock but Shylock is hated by everyone in Venice because he was a Jew, so that's Bassanio, Portia and all the other people in the play

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The cast of Shylock - 1913 includes: Harry Baur as Shylock Jules Berry

Which were the most successful performances of The Merchant of Venice?

Early productions of the play focused on the relationship between Bassanio and Portia, and the character of Shylock was a kind of comic relief. Later, however, the character of Shylock proved to be the most interesting in the play and attracted the star actors. In 1741 Charles Macklin played Shylock as an out-and-out villain. Edmund Kean in 1814 had a more sympathetic but still villainous reading. Sir Henry Irving began a tradition of playing Shylock as a sympathetic character in a famous production in 1879 with Ellen Terry as Portia. Sir Laurence Olivier played Shylock as a Victorian businessman in 1970 in a National Theatre production directed by Jonathan Miller, and which was later televised. David Suchet and Dustin Hoffman have both famously played Shylock, and Patrick Stewart played him as a smarmy, ingratiating character. More recently a feature film was released in 2004 directed by Michael Radford and starring Al Pacino as Shylock.

What was Shylock's religion?

Shylock, a character in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, was a Jew.

How to Compare and contrast antino and shylock in merchant of Venice?

Shylock and Antonio are both businessmen, but Shylock is a moneylender (banker) and Antonio is a merchant (trader).

Which Shakespeare play features Shylock?

You will find Portia and Shylock in the play of Hamlet.