The term is often used in jazz dance and it refers to movement of a single body part as opposed to whole body movement. Isolating movement to one body part is a characteristic of jazz dance.
isolation means when one part of your body does its own movement
the meaning is patatoe that u should not be a cough patatoe and 3====D
It is the same as in English; they both represent the style of classical dance. 'Ballet' is originated from the word ballare in Latin, meaning 'dance'.
A contrast in dance is similar to the meaning everywhere else. That is for the movement to be completely different form another to show the variation.
isolation means when one part of your body does its own movement
TO move across the floor.
It comes from the word Dicoplal another word meaning to dance
The meaning of the African Luhya word "Tsimbi" is Sins in English language.
It is a Czech word meaning little half.It is a Polish word meaning girl.It is not a German word. In German, it means the dance, Polka.
the meaning is patatoe that u should not be a cough patatoe and 3====D
dance ఆట
"Multiple meaning" refers to something that has more than one meaning or interpretation. For example, the word "dance" can be used as a verb (Being a klutz, I cannot dance very well) or a noun (All the students attended their last dance.).
the term isolation is often used in jazz.
Pari means dirt and haka means a war dance