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Dancing is a personal decision. In the churches that I have seen, Baptists refrain from dancing because of the location of dances, the trading of partners and sexual connotation in many of the dances. Baptist in general refrain from any activity that may be a "stumbling block."
In the Old Testament there are descriptions of the "Harlots of the Temples", meaning the pagan temples of Moloch, Belial and Baal. These harlots were women who would ply their trade in pornographic "dancing" and free and open sex throughout the temples. In the Elizabethan language of the King James, all of these activities were lumped into the descriptive word "Dancing." This word doesn't mean the dancing of the 19th century. Unfortunately, there have been styles of dancing that have been created throughout the past 100 - 125 years which would, by comparison, be not far from the temple dancing of the monarchical period of the Old Testament. So, dancing should be carefully examined to ensure it is Christ-honoring.

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