The riddle of the sphinx is: what walks on 4 legs in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, and3 in the evening? The answer is MAN - Walks on 4 legs as an infant 2 legs as an adult and 2 legs + a cane in the elderly years.
Oedipus solved the Sphinx's riddle in the play Oedipus Rex ("Oedipus the King"). He alone understood that a people-killing Sphinx would pose an apparently unanswerable riddle about people.
The "riddle of the Sphinx" is: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the middle of the day, and three at night?
Oedipus :)))))
Oedipus answered the sphinx's riddle and sphinx killed herself. Once the sphinx was gone the people of Thebes were safe.
Oedipus answered the riddle of the sphinx
It is a misnomer that there is a 'riddle' of the Great Sphinx of Giza as this phrase is confused with the original Greek legend of The Riddle of the Sphinx. See the link below.
Oedipus solved the Sphinx's riddle in the play Oedipus Rex ("Oedipus the King"). He alone understood that a people-killing Sphinx would pose an apparently unanswerable riddle about people.
No it is not. The above riddle is the Riddle of the Sphinx. In Greek Mythology a sphinx would sit and ask every traveler that passed this riddle. If they could answer it the sphinx would destroy itself, but if they got it wrong, the sphinx would kill them.
oedipus solve the riddle
the Sphinx
The sphinx.
The "riddle of the Sphinx" is: What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs in the middle of the day, and three at night?