The invention is... the window!
18,000 people can attend an ancient Greek play!
The VCR was a wonderful invention and many people enjoyed owning a vicar. The first VCR was developed by the company JVC by Yuma Shiraishi and Shizuo Takano.
Forbes has an annual list of the worlds richest. It allows the user to look at individual states.
The description given byÊthe ancient Mariner as the ship was driven by storm was that strange thing befell. It was also told that the people in the ship merrily dropped as the ship was harassed by the storm.ÊÊ
A Window
The invention is... the window!
A window
It's a simple invention which allows people to instantly message, unlike letters, allows people to communicate visually, and through phone like programs.
The greatest invention to improve communication recently is the cell phone. This invention allows people to stay connected any time, any where.
the pyramids were and still is the most important invention in ancient Egyptian time because, the pyramids were made for the kings and pharaoh and in Egyptian times they were the most important people in Egypt.
Writing allows the sharing and distribution of information, which allows other people to build upon concepts.
No, that is a modern invention. They got a wreath of Laural leaves.
it depends on what you think is more important to most people the paper is the most important.
It is an invention that pumps water (by hand) and allows the growing of crops on a small basis.
The body of water that allows people to pass through from one side of the Americas to the other is an enclave.
The Babylonians were first to think about the concept within their system, but the Indians introduced it as a number as we know it today.