co-ordination in dance is having the ability to use the opposite arms to your legs
definition og philippine folk dance?
its a dance
Dance helps develop coordination, balance and timing.
The definition of allied movement dance is a dance that is choreographed, and then performed. This is different from free style dancing done at clubs and parties.
lagundi folk dance
Coordination in dance is the ability to move different body parts in different ways. Coordination is learned with a little practice.
To understand coordination, balance, whatever else you do when you dance.
to have good hand eye coordination and also to have talent to which ever sport.
definition og philippine folk dance?
The ability to not be a clutz and/or fall.
its a dance
Dance helps develop coordination, balance and timing.
i want to know what is the definition of dance perform during wedding ceremony in India
it means when your doing the dance and you miss a beat out on the dance
The definition of allied movement dance is a dance that is choreographed, and then performed. This is different from free style dancing done at clubs and parties.
lagundi folk dance