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A speech choir is a group performance of a written work like a speech rather than a song.

In the book 'CHORAL SPEAKING AND THE VERSE CHOIR,' Kingsley Povenmers offers this definition of the choir itself: "A verse choir is a group of people experiencing together, expressing thoughts and feelings lovely and freely for the purpose of communicating with each other and an audience being led by a director and adapting themselves to the disciplines of the art of group oral interpretation."

This is not a new idea. The ancient Greeks used choral speaking with enormous impact and effect. A speech choir is a powerful art that is experiencing a revival. There is tremendous satisfaction that comes from learning to speak well, and even a greater enjoyment that comes from speaking elegantly and powerfully as a group.

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A speech choir is a way to tell a story through song. Some parts of the song are spoken and some are sung. During the course of the story and song, people in the choir or audience might blurt out feelings at random about parts of the song. This is normal behavior to let the audience be involved.

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