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Are you asking for a sample line from a Shakespeare play? Surely not,since all you have to do is to pick a line at random from a print or online copy of any of Shakespeare's plays.

Or maybe you are asking what counts as a line when we say something like "Hamlet has 1495 lines." Well, it can mean two things. First, when actors talk, they call the next thing they say a line, no matter how long it is. It can be one word or two pages long. It doesn't matter, it's the next thing they say until someone else talks or they exit the stage.

But also there is that system by which every line of verse in the verse sections of Shakespeare's plays is counted as a separate line. (It doesn't work so well in the prose sections) By this method, Hamlet's "To be or not to be" speech is 33 lines long. This is the kind of line they are talking about when they say that Hamlet has 1495 lines.

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