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An Actress.

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Related questions

When was Master Thespian created?

Master Thespian was created in 1985.

When do you use the word thespian in a sentence?

I know what thespian means.

What is the plural of thespian?

The plural of the noun thespian (actor) is thespians.

How do you use thespian in a sentence?

Thespian is another word for actor or actress :)

What is the National Thespian Society?

Thespian means actor. I assume that is what this society does.

What is an actress also called?

Could be a 'leading lady' or a 'diva',a prima donna', an 'artiste', a 'player', a 'thespian',

Can kudos stellar and thespian be used in the same sentence?

Kudos to the stellar Thespian who won the battle

How do you accidentally become a thespian or is it not possible?

To become a thespian you have to do some kind of work in the theatre field. Such as working in tech, performing in a play, or even helping out. All the things that you do will give you amount of points to become a Thespian. You can not become a thespian by accident. You have to earn the privlage.

What are roles of thespian?

A thespian is an actor or actress and their roles are the parts or character they portray in plays, films etc.

The word for a person in their 50's is a thespian?

A thespian is an actor (from the name of the Ancient Greek Muse of the Drama).

What is the surname of thespian actor Anthony?

All actors, male or female, are thespians. Please more specific, as Anthony is a popular masculine given (or baptismal) name.

What rhymes with lasbian?
