The theaters in London were shut down continuously from mid-1592 through mid-1594. The Bubonic Plague forced the acting troupes to travel instead.
i love emily by alby b
The theathers were closed for the pandemic of the black death in Europe.
a severe outbreak of bubonic plague
Because of a vicious outbreak of the plague, theatres were shut down in England during this time. Acting companies had a tough time during this period. Many tried to stay in business by taking their shows on the road and touring the provinces. This was called the bubonic plague.
There was a particularly nasty outbreak of plague.
all the theatres ran out of money
1593 and 1594 in London
i love emily by alby b
The theathers were closed for the pandemic of the black death in Europe.
The theathers were closed for the pandemic of the black death in Europe.
The theathers were closed for the pandemic of the black death in Europe.
something happened with the plague tha comananies failed
The London theaters closed in 1593 because of an outbreak of plague.
There were a number of closures, but the years 1593-1594 featured a protracted closure of London theatres which bankrupted a number of the playing companies.
the plauge i belive...
i love emily by alby b
a severe outbreak of bubonic plague