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Your eyes were bigger than your stomach

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Q: What does the brain teaser eye stomach eye mean?
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What is the hidden meaning to brain teaser of i 4 i?

An eye for an eye

What are the digestive organs of fish?

the stomach to the kiney to the swim bladder

What is the answer to a brain teaser with letters Ball getting smaller?

If there is a period at the end of the word, the answer is "Ball point." As in a Ball point pen. If no period, then I have no idea. The downsizing of the letters is there to draw your eye to the period.

What is the answer to the brain teaser with the word once repeated four times the answer is 3 words?

The answer is "headache" because it is four things. On your head, in left/right eye and a word and it covers head pain on your head. It also teases your brain sort of to make it hurt.

What is an organ on a fish?

If your reffering to " What are the organs of a fish?" then the answers is; They have a liver They have a stomach They have an eye they have a brain They have gills. And yes, gills are organs.

What is the nerve that joins eye to the brain?

The Optic nerve connects the eye to the brain.

How big is a fish stomach?

a fishes stomach is as big as its eye

What are the release dates for Eye on Entertainment - 2005 Director Jared Masters Unveils New Teaser for SLINK 9-1?

Eye on Entertainment - 2005 Director Jared Masters Unveils New Teaser for SLINK 9-1 was released on: USA: 10 January 2013

What does seeing checkerboard pattern in left eye mean?

The the optic nerve is still connected but the signal to the brain has been disrupted. Common in high doses of cocaine, or other shock to the brain, and a symptom of some degenerative eye diseases.

What is bigger an ostrich's eye or it's brain?

The eye

Is it the eye or the brain that sees the optical illusion?

It is the brain that has problems in interpreting apparently contradictory inputs from the eye.

Who is stomach of the lion?

Eye of the tiger.