A web site.
Websticles or webfocals.
A blind spider will weave a seeing eye web.
an eye in the sky
spider webs are made of sticky things that come out of a spiders butt
Potato eyes and the eyes of needles. Also, the eyes on the back of the U.S. one dollar bills.
Your eyes.
It's lucky any time, because he didn't see you first.
it's a web site.
an eye in the sky
A website ( Web-Sight)
Just properly functioning eyes
to help it see more things
Can I see a photo of spider bites? Well, I have perfectly good eyes, I could see the photo if you showed me one. Was that your question??
NO! we weave Navajo rugs! taught to us by Spider Woman. Our original and first weaver.
The cephalothorax contains a spider's eyes.
Spiders weave webs (known as "spider's webs" or "cobwebs") for a variety of purposes, foremost for residence, food, and in some cases decoration.
a normal spider has eight eyes, i don't think there is such thing as a rain spider.
Compound eyes
spider webs are made of sticky things that come out of a spiders butt