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At the end of the play 'Antigone', Theban King Creon concludes that he has been proud and selfish, that his life has been a series of mistakes, and that his punishment for his cruelty and pride is just beginning. For example, he specifically accepts responsibility for the suicides of his wife, Queen Eurydice; and of his son, Haemon. He considers his willful behavior as the cause of their deaths. In essence, he calls himself their murderer.

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Q: What does Creon conclude at the end of 'Antigone'?
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Does Creon die at the end of 'Antigone'?

Theban King Creon is mortal. So, yes, he does die. It just doesn't happen in the play 'Antigone'.

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How is Creon in conflict with Antigone

What makes Creon relevant in Antigone?

Creon is Antigone's uncle.

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If Antigone disobeys Creon's Law in "Antigone," Antigone is to be sentenced to death.

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Creon is his dad and antigone is his cousin

Why is Creon the protagonist in 'Antigone'?

in my home examination there was a question like, who is the protagonist of the play, antigone or creon?i thought it ws open ended and we can choose anyone.therefore i chose antigone. but out of 10 marks i scored only 2 because the right answer was creon. creon realised his mistakes at the end and felt guilty for his action, where as antigone didn't feel any guilt. so creon is the protagonist.

Is it Antigone or Creon who meets a tragic end in 'Antigone?

Both Antigone and Creon meet tragic ends, but Antigone's is more tragic in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, an end is tragic when the outcome of a human life leads to suffering or takes an unfortunate turn. The description fits both Theban Princess Antigone and King Creon. Antigone's end is tragic because she loses her life and therefore forfeits the opportunity to marry her beloved first cousin, Prince Haemon and to have children with him. Creon's end is a bit less tragic since he still lives at the play's end even though he loses everyone and everything that gives his life meaning.

What was Creon's wife's name in Antigone?

Creon's wife's name in Antigone is Eurydice.

How is Antigone related to Creon in 'Antigone'?

Niece to uncle is Antigone's relationship to Creon in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone is the eldest daughter of disgraced Theban monarchs Oedipus and Jocasta. Queen Jocasta is Creon's sister. Antigone therefore is Creon's niece.

Whom does Creon blame in the end for Antigone's death?

Creon blames himself for Antigone's death. He also blames himself for his wife Eurydice death and his son Haemon's death as well .

Is Creon or Antigone the greater protagonist?

Antigone is,

Why does Creon let Antigone bury her brother?

He doesn't let Antigone bury her brother. When he found out that she disobeyed him, Creon had Antigone killed.