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Man eating fish use sharkcoal for barbecues.

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Q: What do man eating fish use for barbeques?
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What do man-eating fish use for barbecue?

their toppings are they use the mans Shirt for barbecue ,a man eating fish

What do man eating fish use for barbecues How do you solve this puzzle?

Fish Grills

What do man-eating fish use for barbecues?

Man-eating fish do not host barbecues, as they are carnivorous and typically do not prepare food in the same way humans do. They usually consume their prey in a more direct manner.

What is the answer to page 7.14 in punchline algebre book a what do man eating fish use for barbques?

Shark Coal

What do they use fish for in New York?

in new york and everywhere else they use fish for eating so you don't starve

What is the answer to page 7.14 in Punchline Algebra book A What do Man-eating fish use for barbecues?

Oh, dude, the answer to page 7.14 in the Punchline Algebra book A is probably some math thing, but who cares about that when we can talk about man-eating fish having barbecues! Like, I'm pretty sure they use seaweed charcoal and plankton skewers, you know, to keep it all ocean-friendly and stuff.

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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

How do you use the word diet in a sentence?

The man was diet by eating

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you use the mallet on the bell when the fish jump move the fisher man where the fish jump use mallet again treasure map piece is in fish mouth.

What body parts of fish use when they eating?

mouth or gills

What is the behavior of a turtle when it is eating fish?

When a turtle is eating fish, it typically uses its strong jaws to bite and tear the fish into smaller pieces. Turtles are known to be opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat a variety of foods including fish, crustaceans, and plants. They may also use their sharp beaks to crush the shells of crustaceans before consuming them.

What do turtles use for eating?

Turtles can be vegetarians or carnivorous. Most have a mixed diet of fish, insects, shellfish, and water plants.