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Both discuss the fates of famous men and women.

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4y ago

Both discuss the dates of famous men and women.

-Apex English 12

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What are monks personality?

Monks can vary greatly in personality, just like any other group of people. However, some common traits often associated with monks include discipline, humility, compassion, and a strong spiritual focus.

How many monks are in the US?

Monks are not very common in the United States with more residing in European countries in old medieval monasteries. But all around the world, the number of active monks or nuns in the brother/sisterhood is decreasing at an alarming rate.

In chaucers the monks tale many characters are victorious in battles but later meet with misfortune. which sentence best states the theme that these stories develop?

The monks tale in Chaucer's work emphasizes the theme that success in battle does not guarantee lasting happiness or immunity from hardship. Through the characters' journeys from victory to downfall, the tale explores the transient nature of earthly glory and the inevitability of fate.

What is the collective noun for monks?

The collective noun for monks is an abomination of monks (from the older 'an abominable sight of monks').

What types of monks are there?

Some types of monks include Benedictine monks, Franciscan monks, and Trappist monks. Each type of monk belongs to a different religious order with its own set of customs, practices, and rules.

Do monks belong?

As monks.

Can monks fight?

only if they are templer monks. most monks are peaceful

Why are monks emo's?

monks are not emo!

Are Monks the same as Buddhists?

Not necessarily. Many religions have monks. Monks are people who withdraw from ordinary life to pursue their religious beliefs on a daily basis. So you can have Christian monks, Buddhist monks, Hindu monks, etc. Islam does not have a similar tradition though.

Furniture that starts with m?

A Monks Bench is a common furniture item with name starting from M. Monks Bench is made as a table with rectangle base, when the table is not is use, the top is folded in a way that it forms the back of a bench.

What is the birth name of Victoria Monks?

Victoria Monks's birth name is Annie Monks.

Who does the monks and nuns job naw?

Monks and nuns do the monks' and nuns' jobs now.