"Shall we go for a dip?"
Are you wicked.
Mr. Potato Head
One bell said to the other that he wanted to win a no-bell prize!
Potato eyes and the eyes of needles. Also, the eyes on the back of the U.S. one dollar bills.
"Shall we go for a dip?"
you crake me up.raise, call, or fold?
mashpotatoe. ahahaha
what ever it`s the same
The German word for potato is Kartoffel.
Potato in Farsi is pronounced "سیبزمینی" (sibzamini).
the correct answer is the MASTER POTATO, he had two kids killed one ate the other. with his wife, he sucked her @#%^ and liked it or loved it.
potato=kartaflaone Kartafla - many kartöflur
Potato in Portuguese is "batata."
Fried ball of potato and cod say nothing because they are incapable of speaking.
Since you can make many potato chips out of one potato, obviously a whole potato has more mass than one potato chip.
"One potato" is not really what would normally be considered a poem. It is a children's game and it has been played for a long, long time. It would probably be impossible to say when it first originated.