No, Dane Cook does not smoke.
No, Dane Cook is still alive as of today.
Dane Cook's religion is currently catholic.
Yes, Dane Cook is left handed.
Dane Cook goes by The Enunciator, and DC.
No, Dane Cook is not Billy Blaze, Dane Cook is Dane Cook.
The question is incorrect and cannot be answered. There is not a singer called Dane Cook in the band The Sea and Cake who originally sang "Car alarm".
Dane Cook's birth name is Dane Jeffrey Cook.
No, Dane Cook does not smoke.
No, Dane Cook does not smoke.
Dane Jeffrey Cook.
No, Dane Cook is still alive as of today.
Dane Cook's religion is currently catholic.
One can watch a video of the Dane Cook song Car Accident from the website Youtube. Youtube hosts the largest collection on online videos in the world, including this video.
Dane Cook was born on March 18, 1972.
Yes, Dane Cook is left handed.
Dane Cook goes by The Enunciator, and DC.