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Q: What bug is good at math?
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Which is correct he is good at math or he is good in math?

He is good at math

What if you eat a bug would it be good for you?

yea it is good for but it depends on what kind of bug you eat

Is the drangonfly good or bad bug?

it eats a lot of unwanted pests so overall it is a good bug.

Do you have to be good at math to be a oncologists?

You have to be good at math for everything

Is math good for children?

Yes, math is good for everybody.

What is a good name for a bug?

the blenkeybug

How fast does Baja doodle bug go?

About 25 to 30mph. Depends on your weight.

What is a good bug Pokemon on sapphire?

Breloom (if they count as Bug) get Shroomish and evolve it, Breloom is a good all-round Bug Pokemon 'cos it can learn fight, rock, normal, bug, and loads more types. hope that was OK advice :') *Shi ~

All Asians are good at math?

not all the asians are good in math

Can goldfish live with bug sucker fish?

Good good

What are some popular kids math games?

Some popular kids math games are: Coffee Shop, Snorzees, Lemonade Stand, Math Brain, Count Your Chickens, Present Time, Bug Catcher and Monkey Planes.

How do you get good at math fast?

The only way to get good at math fast is to practice.