typical MOST BIOS start ups contain
Advance BIOS Features
Advance Chipset Features
Integrated Peripherals
Power Management Setup
then under them are more options etc
The ROM chips control the startup of the computer..
Boot block (4K,8L,16K,32K,64K128K) is portion of code in the complete BIOS(1MB5MB). who's responsibility is validate the main BIOS and transferring the control to main BIOS (checks whether BIOS corrupted or not and some other properties).
A PC going through its booting sequence upon staring, a personal computer's CPU runs the instruction located at the memory location of the Basic Input/ Output System (BIOS). It contains a jump instruction that transfer execution to the location of the BIOS startup program. This program runs a Power On Self Test to check that devices the computer rely on are functioning; it also initializes these devices. Then the BIOS go through a preconfigured list of devices until it finds one that is bootable. If the BIOS find a bootable device, it loads and executes its boot sector. In the case of a hard drive, this is referred to as the master boot record (MBR) and is often not operating system specific. Usually MBR code checks the partition table for an active portion. If one is found, the MBR code loads that partition's boot sector and executes it. The boot sector is often operating system specific, however in most operating systems its main function is to load and execute the kernel, which continues startup and in the case of multi-user operating systems prompt the login screen.
The operating system of most computers does not contain the BIOS. The BIOS is stored in a chip on your motherboard. he is right the bios is not stored on your OS...however if you wish to access your BIOS you need to restart your PC and when you get to the first or second black screen (when it reads your processor information and etc) it will says "Press <insert key here> to enter setup" (or something similar...keep in mind all chipsets are different) keep rapidly tapping that button....(what i do when i first start up a PC and need to get in the bios i alternate between F9,F11, and delete until i get in the bios since these are the most commonly used keys to enter your bios)
Hell no. the bios sits under the operating system (vista is an operating system) the bios is independent of operating systems, and is there to....run the operating system.
Startup BIOS first checks all the essential hardware components to make sure they're working and displays its progress on-screen.
System BIOS touches little boys while startup BIOS drinks lava lamps and snorts cocaine
Startup BIOS first checks all the essential hardware components to make sure they're working and displays its progress on-screen.
F10 on the splash screen apparently enters the BIOS. Search hp.com for the model and download the manual, it will be in there.
Password. This can be setup in the BIOS configuration screen. (F12 or whatever your particular computer calls for upon turning the power on)
The ROM chips control the startup of the computer..
To manage simple devices (system BIOS)To start the computer (startup BIOS)To change settings on the motherboard (CMOS setup).
yes the bios does contain the startup information if it didnt it wouldn't run as soon as you press your button to turn the PC on ADG - 2K9
I have this motherboard. To get into bios press del at startup.
The BIOS is used to manage simple devices (system BIOS), the BIOS is used to start the computer (startup BIOS), and the BIOS is used to change settings on the motherboard (CMOS setup).
To manage simple devices (system BIOS)To start the computer (startup BIOS)To change settings on the motherboard (CMOS setup).