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Aristotle identifies six Elements of Drama.

Plot is the arrangement of the scenes.

Characters are the personalities who drive the plot.

Thought is the central idea within the play.

Diction is the dialogue, though which the audience receives most if its information. Song or Music is incorporated into most plays, but, possibly, also the sound of the actors' voices.

Spectacle consists of everything that is visual: the theater architecture, the scenery, the stage pictures, the costumes, make-up, and lighting; special effects; the actors movements, gestures, and facial expressions.

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Q: What are the six elements of drama and their explanation?
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The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsSome have been taught hat there were only 6 elements of least only six from Aristotle. They are as follows.PlotCharacterThemeDialogue/DictionMusic/RhythmSpectacle

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The six elements of drama are: 1. Thought/Theme/Ideas 2. Action/Plot 3. Characters 4. Language 5. Music 6. Spectacle

What are Aristotle's six elements of drama?

Aristotle's six elements of drama are plot (mythos), character (ethos), theme (dianoia), diction (lexis), melody (melos), and spectacle (opsis). He believed that these elements were essential for creating a successful and engaging drama.

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There are six main elements of drama: plot, character, theme, dialogue, music, and spectacle. Each of these elements plays a crucial role in creating a compelling and engaging theatrical performance.

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What are the nine elements of drama and its definition?

The elements of drama are:CharacterPlotThemeDialogueConventionGenreAudienceStagecraftDesignConversionsRead more: What_are_the_nine_elements_of_drama

What is drama what are the kinds of drama what are the elements of drama?

The kinds of drama are the comedy, tragedy, farce, melodramaand musical.The elements of drama are characters, setting, plot, dialog, design, theme and stage directions.

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There are many elements of a drama. Some of these include comedy, tragedy, irony, dialogues, monologues, as well as soliloquies.

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*are The technical elements of Drama include the Scenery, or set, the Costumes, the Props, the Lights, the Sound Effects and the Makeup.

How do you explain about drama or what is the explanation of drama?

I would explain drama as a lot of things are going on with your friends and theres a lot of emotions. or go to dictionary .com and search it. -carly

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Act - a selection of drama;the largest divisionof a play or opera