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Q: What are the difficult asked beauty pageant questions?
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To learn how to answer beauty pageant questionscontact Pageant Coach Ritika Ramtri of The Tiara Pageant Training Studio, Pune , India on 9823156193

What are sample questions asked at a Mr gay pageant?

If you will win as Mr. Gay , what can you contribute to the society?

Why do beauty contestants want world peace?

Why do pageant contestants answer with world peace when asked questions for example, what is the most important thing our society needs? or If you win Miss world what is the one thing you wish to achieve? etc.

What was the 3 questions that Socrates asked himself?

The three questions that Socrates famously asked himself were: What is virtue? What is piety? What is beauty?

What issues did upton have?

Caitlin Upton joined Miss Teen USA and was asked why a quarter of Americans can't find the U.S. on a map. She gave such a startlingly incomprehensible answer (even for a beauty pageant) that it has to be seen to be believed.

What are the frequently asked questions?

They are Questions that are asked a lot.

When you ask questions on are they False?

Some people ask questions that are very difficult to answer or ask questions that break the rules of the site (in which case they will not be answered) but all the questions that appear are real questions asked by the users of so they are not False questions.

What can't WikiAnswers answer?

WikiAnswers provides millions of answers every week, but not even the largest Q&A site onthe internet can answer questions that are poorly asked, and miscategorization of questions make finding questions difficult.

Why arent any of the questions answered?

Because thousands of questions are asked and it's just a small group of volunteers that answer them all. We're not paid and it's very difficult with some of the questions people ask.

Why aren't you answering the questions i ask you?

Actual people answer these questions, and if nobody who knows the answer has seen your question, then you'll have to wait for it to get answered. You might also want to take a close look at the questions you asked. Lots of people submit questions that are so poorly worded that it is very difficult to determine what is being asked. Questions like these are often passed over.

What does FAQs mean?

FAQ means Frequently Asked Questions, or possibly "Frequently Asked Question", if there is only one.frequently asked questionsfrequently asked questionsFrequently asked questionsFrequently Asked Questions.Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questionsfrequently asked questionsFrequently Asked Question(s)Usually all the questions listed in the FAQ are all of the "frequently asked questions". These are questions that have been asked many times by many different people.Frequently Asked Questions.Frequently asked questions.Frequently Asked Questions.