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It is a good idea to use space and levels and consider the proximity of the characters/objects =D

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Q: What are the Staging techniques of drama?
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What are the release dates for Literary Visions - 1992 Perspectives on Illusion Setting and Staging in Drama 1-20?

Literary Visions - 1992 Perspectives on Illusion Setting and Staging in Drama 1-20 was released on: USA: 1992

What is traverse staging in drama?

Traverse staging (also called "alley" staging) is a way of arranging the audience and its view of the drama. The audience sits on both sides of a central stage, across from each other. Used typically in fashion shows, it can also have seating at one ending, creating what is called a thrust, platform or "open" stage, surrounded by the audience on three sides.

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What a person who is in overall charge of of a drama?

The director is in charge of the artistic and staging decisions. The playwright is in charge of the script (drama). The producer is in charge of all the business and financial decisons. It depends on what you mean by "in charge of of a drama."

What are the drama techniques?

are the roles you play and the actions that happen .

Why is Puccini an innovator?

One of his greatest contributions was the verismo opera; an opera which has no overture, but rather the drama and staging begins immediately.

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Joseph Nathan French has written: 'The staging of magical effects in Elizabethan and Jacobean drama'

How was the staging of Greek drama during the period of Antigone described?

It was sophisticated art direction done by the play writers of ancient Greek time.

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What is stage in drama?

Traverse staging (also called "alley" staging) is a way of arranging the audience and its view of the drama. The audience sits on both sides of a central stage, across from each other. Used typically in fashion shows, it can also have seating at one ending, creating what is called a thrust, platform or "open" stage, surrounded by the audience on three sides.

What year is the opera invented?

Opera evolved out of Oratorio and such things as the Passion Play and the Stabat Mater, both religious drama but no staging involved- all sung,.