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what where stella adlers ideas on acting

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Q: What are some of Stella Adler theories of acting?
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Is the Stella adler studio of acting a good school?

It is an excellent school. It handles some of the student from NYU and its conservatory is beyond reproach. Stella Adler founded the school and from there has taught amazing actors such as Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando, Benicio del Toro. Stella has an entire technique of acting named after her. The Adler technique is best for very intelligent actors, the people I've seen struggle are not always the brightest crayon in the box. I currently attend and have been to other schools and studied other techniques and I have found an amazing fit at Stella. It's warm, welcoming, compassionate and very aware of making an impact on the world for the better. It's a small school, and is quite hard to get into, but for the money you really can't beat the education you will find there.

What career is similar to acting?

While no career is quite the same as acting, some are similar. But first, I need to know what your definition of acting is, Theater acting? Movie/TV acting? etc. The only similar jobs I can think of are; singing, miming, becoming a Drama teacher, acting on stage, acting in a film/on TV.Hope I helped =P

Do wrestlers get acting classes in order to become wrestlers?

Some do and some don't.

What is an acting troupe?

a acting troupe is a group of actors some of these groups were named from Elizabethan era.Elizabethan Acting Troupes:*Lord Strange's Men*Chamberlain's Men*Admiral's Men*King's Men

Find me some acting schools for kids in my area.?

You can try a community or youth center to learn about acting classes for your children that will be appropriate for their ages. The KD Studio is a place where kids can takes acting classes.

Related questions

Is the Stella adler studio of acting a good school?

It is an excellent school. It handles some of the student from NYU and its conservatory is beyond reproach. Stella Adler founded the school and from there has taught amazing actors such as Robert De Niro, Marlon Brando, Benicio del Toro. Stella has an entire technique of acting named after her. The Adler technique is best for very intelligent actors, the people I've seen struggle are not always the brightest crayon in the box. I currently attend and have been to other schools and studied other techniques and I have found an amazing fit at Stella. It's warm, welcoming, compassionate and very aware of making an impact on the world for the better. It's a small school, and is quite hard to get into, but for the money you really can't beat the education you will find there.

What acting schools are their in New York?

Here is a list of some acting schools in New York: -New York Film Academy -Stella Adler Studio of Acting -The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts -The Jason Bennett Actor's Workshop -Circle in the Square Theatre School -Juilliard School -Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute -The Acting Studio -American Musical and Dramatic Academy -TVI Actors Studio -American Academy of Dramatic Arts -Binghamton University Theatre -Robert X. Modica

Do markets work?

No; not according to some economic theories. Yes; according to some economic theories.

Why does convergence theories?

if your question is "what is convergence theory" then the answer is that these are people that acting a certain way become a crowd. for example; the Emo people, the Gothics, the Sporties. they all share some things in common with each other.

How did some singers get into acting?

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Some common communication theories are interpersonal communication, group communication and mass communication. There are many more theories but these three are the most common.

What has the author Stella Sanders written?

Stella Sanders is an author who has written romance novels under the pen name Stella Rhys. Some of her popular books include "The Wrong Kind of Love" and "The Secrets We Hide."

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Some theories say it was built by WATER EROSION.!.

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Some theories say it was built by WATER EROSION.!.

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Some popular sweet wine options similar to Stella Rosa include Moscato, Riesling, and Pink Moscato. These wines are known for their sweet and fruity flavors, making them a great choice for those who enjoy Stella Rosa.