Panther Pride, Pantherettes, TopCats, Prancers, or Pink Panthers.
maybe cat attack or something along those lines
The traditional Russian dance name is Russian ballet.
morocco dance
A wildcat. (And the team name is the Wildcats.)
Panther Pride, Pantherettes, TopCats, Prancers, or Pink Panthers.
Nothwestern University's mascot's name is Willie the Wildcat. The team is called the Wildcats.
maybe cat attack or something along those lines
The Wildcats The Wildcats
The Arizona Wildcats got that name because in 1914 the L.A. Times commented that the Arizona football team "showed the fight of wildcats." After that, the name just kind of stuck!
The costumed mascot's name is Scratch but the University also has a live bobcat named Blue who resides at the Salato Wildlife Education Center. Blue does not attend games since he, like all bobcats, is very shy by nature and would not do well with the large crowds and noise of collegiate sporting events.
NAME of yahoo mail mascot IS : Liam
The Oakland Raiders don't have a mascot. The pirate is just the symbol, but it's not the mascot and it does not have a name.
well it can be any mascot which mascot are u looking for??