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Q: What are modern movies based on hamlet?
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What are all the Disney movies based on shakespearean?

I can tell you that the Lion King is based off of Hamlet.

What 90's movies are based on Hamlet?

Hamlet, released in 1991, directed by Franco Zeffirelli and starring Mel Gibson, and Hamlet, released in 1996, directed and starring Kenneth Branagh, leap to mind.

What modern movies are based on Iliad?

Troy with Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom

Which Disney movies compare with Hamlet?

That's easy The Lion King was influenced by Hamlet by William Shakespeare!

What movies follow the hamlet theme?

The Lion King

On what literary work was Hamlet based?

Hamlet was based on a Scandinavian legend that was later adapted into a play by William Shakespeare.

On what literary work is the play "Hamlet" based?

The play "Hamlet" is based on a Danish legend that was also adapted into a play called "Ur-Hamlet" before Shakespeare wrote his version.

Is Kings based on a true story?

No, it was based on Shakespeare's Hamlet

How was act you of Hamlet from first to last based on when they occur in the story?

Hamlet gives his "To be, or not to be" soliloquy. Hamlet tells Ophelia, "Get thee to a nunnery!" Hamlet decides not to kill Claudius while he prays. Hamlet kills Polonius.

Who is the best modern actor?

The best modern actor is based of a person's own opinion. Another factor that plays a role would be the genre, of movies you choose from.

What is the main setting for Hamlet?

Hamlet is set at Elsinore Castle, Denmark, which is based on the real Kronborg Castle.

What did William shakespeare wrote in the early modern English?
