

Best Answer

1. Warming up

2. Dancing

3. Cooling down

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Q: What are basic steps in aerobic dancing?
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What are the basic steps in ballroom dancing?

step back then to the side the close

Benefits of aerobic dancing?

One benefit of aerobic dancing is the workout you get from it. It helps burn calories and fat. Aerobic dancing also is great for flexibility, strength building, and improved endurance.

Is tap dancing aerobic exercise?

Tap Dancing gives you an amazing cardio workout. I certainly consider it aerobic exercise.

What does aerobic dancing simulate?


Five basic steps of folk dance?

There are only three basic steps in folk dancing. They are hopping, chasse and Scottish. All of them are used in folk dances but depending on the particular dance, more steps may be added.

How can dancing be done as an aerobic exercise?

You can do zumba fitness and be dancing and it will considered an aerobic exercise bec ause you are working different parts of your body

What are the basic steps of maria Clara?

The Maria Clara is a folk dance from the Philippines. The basic steps of the Maria Clara involve a women dancing around with a handkerchief. The steps mimic men competing with one another to gain the attention of the woman.

What is the of aerobic dancing?

oxygen and blood flow

Describe how dancing can be done as an aerobic exercise?

You can do zumba fitness and be dancing and it will considered an aerobic exercise bec ause you are working different parts of your body

How many steps to line dancing?

line dancing has 4 steps.

Is tap dancing an aerobic exercise?

Yes, any form of dance can be considered aerobic exercise.

Is ballroom dancing an aerobic exercise?

Ballroom dancing gives you a great all-over cardio workout.