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D- Do

A- Anything

N- Now

C- Carry

E- Emp

Emp: and old language work for on


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Q: What Does Dance Stand For?
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Related questions

What is the history of line dancing?

A line dance is a dance that has a group of people who stand in a line and dance repeatedly the same steps. Line dance is usually used in Country Western bars.

What does a red jelly bracelet stand for?

Lap Dance

What does NYCDA stand for?

New York City Dance Allince!

What does lmho stand for in the song something to dance for?

laugh my heart out :)

What is inversion in dance?

an inversion in dance is like a hand stand but instead of having striaght legs they're bent

What does the abbreviation ddr2 stand for?

the abbreviation ddr2 stands for double data rate in computer technology and it tech terms it can also stand for the video game dance dance revolution two

How can you dance at a school dance if you don't like to dance?

Don't dance, go to the food stand and eat. Go with a girl that doesn't want to dance either. That's what i did, we went our schools freshman dance for the free ice cream and then walked home.

How do you dance like an emo?

Emo people do not dance, they stand and rock their heads when they listen to music and jump around a little.

What is highlights in dance choreography?

Parts of the dance that really stand out, that the audience will remember. Eg. stillness to large jump.

What does ELIOT stand for from dance central?

Nothing. It's just a name.

Did Miley Cyrus pole dance on an ice cream stand?

no she didn't

How do you dance in RuneScape?

Click on the emotes icon in the bottom right. Click on the picture of a jester dancing, and your character will perform a dance for all to see!