The ghost charges Hamlet to perform a three-part task. He is asked to: 1. Revenge the murder of his father. 2. Hamlet is also not to contrive against his mother but to leave her to heaven and her own conscience. 3. Don't go insane during the task
Horatio tell HAmlet that after midnight his father ghost shows up
He asks them to swear not to tell about the ghost's visit and why Hamlet may appear crazy.
The ghost of Hamlet's father appears to some guards. The guards tell Hamlet who says he will go watch for the ghost. Laertes, son of Polonius, embarks for France. Polonius tells his daughter Ophelia, who has been flirting with Hamlet (or maybe more, it's not clear), to give him the cold shoulder. The ghost appears to Hamlet, gets him alone and tells him that he was murdered by Hamlet's uncle and the current king, Claudius. Hamlet swears to revenge him then swears the guards to secrecy.
Hamlet doubts the ghost's statement that Claudius had murdered him--the ghost could be lying. He re-enacts the murder in a play and has it performed in front of Claudius. Sure enough, it causes an attack of conscience in Claudius.
Marcellus thinks that Horatio may know how to speak to a ghost because he is a University Man. I guess Marcellus assumes that's the kind of thing you learn at a University.
They tell hamlet.
The soldiers want to tell about the ghost to scare you.
if you are asking this for, say, a homework assignment, then I recommend you figure it out on your own, as your teacher could find this easily.The ghost in Shakespeare's Hamlet is Hamlet's father, who is dead. In Hamlet, Hamlet's father is killed by Hamlet's uncle. Hamlet's father's ghost (the ghost) comes back to basically tell Hamlet what happened, and to tell him (more or less) to have revenge on Hamlet's uncle.
He tells Horatio to "draw his breath in pain," to tell Hamlet's story.
Horatio tell HAmlet that after midnight his father ghost shows up
He asks them to swear not to tell about the ghost's visit and why Hamlet may appear crazy.
He reveals that Claudius murdered him. He doesn't tell Hamlet anything about Gertrude he didn't already know.
The guards report of the Ghost and point out to the apparition when it appears in presence of Horatio.Both Hamlet and Horatio debate on the appearance of the Ghost .The guards presence is not explicit although they seem to be present at the tower.
At first he is afraid until he realized it was his father who has come to tell him about his murder by his brother and wife. This sets Hamlet on the course to revenge his father.
The ghost warns hamlet not to do anything to his mother, but to "leave her to heaven".