This music in in the public domain. Nothing from 1876 is still in copyright.
Polyphonic, where there is melody in more than one line at the same time.
H&R Block
It's the second opera in Wagner's Ring Cycle.
The Ride of the Valkyries is actually a piece from the beginning of the third act of Wagner's Die Walküre. The piece is sung by the eight Valkyrie sisters of Brünnhilde, which may be the name you're looking for. "Ho-jo-to-ho!" is Brunnhilde's war-cry in act 2 of Richard Wagner's 'Die Walkure'. As already answered 'The ride of the walkuries' is the opening of act 3 of the same opera.
I believe you are reffering to the Cha Cha Sldie by DJ Casper. It was released in 2000 and has been playing at numerous bowling alleys and old school discos since. A great party tune, no doubt.
Polyphonic, where there is melody in more than one line at the same time.
"Ride of the Valkyries" was composed by Richard Wagner as part of his opera "Die Walküre" (The Valkyrie), which is the second opera in the four-opera cycle "Der Ring des Nibelungen" (The Ring of the Nibelung).
It is not listed in the soundtrack credits.
H&R Block
Elmer Fudd but the tune is from Ride of the Valkyries.
a version of ride of the Valkyries
"Ride of the Valkyries" was composed by Richard Wagner. There is no singing in it.
"What's Opera, Doc?"
"The Ride of the Valkyries" by Wagner
Ride of The Valkyries and Tannhauser overture
The brass section