Nobody knows if Dane Cook is married, but he is currently dating Raquel Houghton.
No, Dane Cook does not smoke.
No, Dane Cook is still alive as of today.
Dane Cook's religion is currently catholic.
No Dane Cook is not married. Dane Cook is a comedian and has been in several high profile romantic relationships.
Nobody knows if Dane Cook is married, but he is currently dating Raquel Houghton.
No, Dane Cook is not Billy Blaze, Dane Cook is Dane Cook.
Dane Cook's birth name is Dane Jeffrey Cook.
No, Dane Cook does not smoke.
No, Dane Cook does not smoke.
Dane Jeffrey Cook.
No, Dane Cook is still alive as of today.
Dane Cook's religion is currently catholic.
Dane Cook was born on March 18, 1972.
Yes, Dane Cook is left handed.